Seeking teachers for our 2025 Herb & Garden Day!
We are looking for teachers and presenters to share their knowledge with us and to celebrate our theme of CYCLES. If you are interested in hosting a workshop, talk, presentation or walk, please fill out a teacher proposal form below. You are welcome to submit two proposal ideas if you’re feeling inspired or simply can’t decide what to offer. Teachers will receive a stipend of $75 this year to compensate for their time and efforts, with the option to donate it back to the network. We’re so excited to see what ideas you have and look forward to curating a lovely and informational event this year. Please reach out with any questions you might have.

Herb & Garden Day 2024 was amazing! We were so lucky to have an incredible day of teachers, topics, and fun at last year’s event. Stay tuned for 2025 updates in the coming months.

Workshop descriptions and locations!
Plant Spirit Journey w/Heather O’Neill: (9:30 AM) Join Heather on a journey into nature to learn how to connect to plant and nature spirits and receive guidance from the elementals.
Mushrooms For Health w/Ann Jackson: (11:10 AM) Join Ann for a medicinal mushroom ID walk. We will search for such wonderful mushrooms as, Turkey Tail, Birch Polypore, Reishi, and whatever the land has gifted us that day! You will learn about the medicinal properties of mushrooms, cautions, uses, and sustainable foraging.
Witchy Wonder Wander w/Jessica LaBrie: (1:20 PM) A perennial favorite! Come for a relaxing ramble with a practicing Green Witch and prepare to fall under the Green World’s spell! On this nature exploration for all ages, traditions, and abilities, Jessica will introduce you to some of her wild friends, sharing secrets of their names, stories, pleasures, and potions. We’ll also explore what green witchcraft is (and isn’t), who it’s for (everyone!), and some of the endless ways you might already be practicing. If you’ve been craving a bit of wonder and magic in your life, this is for you! Children must be accompanied by an adult. If you have particular mobility concerns/access needs, please come by Blackbird’s Daughter booth beforehand to let Jess know.
Nature Spirit Journey w/Heather O’Neill: (3:00 PM) Journey into your true deep nature. We’ll connect with your guides, animal, plant, and nature spirits and higher self, to receive guidance on your life’s path.
Relating To Plants w/Melodie Fallon: (3:00 PM) What makes our relationship to plants unique when it comes to healing? Why choose plants over other methods of healing? We will open as a conversation, move into a meditation on plant allies, and close with group sharing. (Meet at Big Tree behind The Rock)
Upcycled Notebooks w/Daisy Hebb: (9:30 AM) Get your creative juices flowing with this hands-on workshop! Give new life to what would be ‘waste’; we’ll take misprint water-colored cards, prints, and calendars from past years and turn them into delightful little, robust, spiral-notebooks of quality paper. This project will remind us to engage the important steps of ‘believing’ in and taking responsibility for our resources. A $5 fee is asked for materials. Class limit of 20.
Creative Garden Stakes w/Sylvia VonAulock: (11:10 AM) Sylvia will facilitate a fun session of creating artistic stakes to identify plants, or just favorite spots, in the garden. Many art supplies to choose from. Participants of all ages and abilities are welcome. A $5 fee is asked for materials.
Herbally Inspired Art w/Alison Magil: (1:20 PM) Nature’s beauty surrounds us with constant inspiration for creativity. In this workshop we’ll use all natural materials and felted wool to build a hanging mobile sculpture to place in your home or yard. We will take a quick walk to gather supplies from nature. Participants of all ages are welcome.
Sustainable Wildcrafting For Children-Walking Gently and Making Potions w/Kristen Lamb: (3:00 PM) Join botanical perfume maker and naturalist Kristen, for an introduction to the plants around us. This workshop will begin with a short walk to learn how to use all the senses to recognize some of the edible and medicinal plants growing in our community. Participants will end with making their own bug repellent to take home.
CBD as Medicine From ancient wisdom to Modern science w/Annika McCann: (9:30 AM) CBD use has skyrocketed in just a few short years, making it one of the most popular herbal remedies in the U.S. But the CBD industry is riddled with misconceptions, misinformation, and poor quality and/or fraudulent products. CBD can be a powerful treatment for a wide variety of conditions, but it’s critical to choose products carefully and use them properly. Don’t get lost in the weeds- learn how to source and use CBD effectively.
Building A Pantry from Foraged & Local Foods w/Linh Aven & Elizabeth Haskett: (11:10 AM) We are surrounded by an abundance of food, from what we can grow ourselves to what we can forage all around us. This workshop focuses on preserving the harvest, so when we make a meal we can reach for hand-crafted seasonings, condiments, ferments, and dried goods. We will look at an holistic plan to build a home pantry across the seasons, discuss techniques to process crops, and share ideas of how to cook with your pantry ingredients. There will be plenty of samples to taste! Let’s deepen our practice of eating local while creating a strong sense of place, generosity, and community. After all, nothing brings people together like good food.
What’s Up With The Weed? w/Jim Riddle: (1:20 PM) This session will provide an update on hemp and cannabis in the Granite State, including information on production practices, uses, health impacts, and legal requirements.
The Secret Language of The 5 Flavors w/Lior Sadeh: (3:00 PM) Did you know that four out of five flavors promote your body’s innate ability to cleanse itself from toxins? Long before we had chemistry labs, wise women knew how to help the body release toxins by harnessing herbs and foods from various flavors. Learn which flavor is associated with each detox channel and how to use food and herbs for “spring cleanup”.
Green Dreams w/Amanda Stanley: (9:30 AM) Plants can offer us a myriad of support during rest, whether it’s deep restorative sleep, or intentional dream work. Learn fundamental tips for getting a good nights sleep & the green allies that can help us. This workshop will also cover ways we can tap into our dream world to dream more intentionally, or even seek guidance from ancestors & spiritual allies. You’ll meet herbs to assist dream work, dream recollection & herbs for building intuition. Participants will make & take their choice of either an herbal dream oil or sleep supportive tea.
Incurables-Programs For Healing w/Daryl Hoitt: (11:10 AM) Long COVID, Chronic Lyme, Cancer, Vaccine Related Side-effect/Injury. Let’s tackle those difficult situations. How do we cut out the poison? We will look at Detox, nutrition, and rotating body system support.
Why Can’t I Sleep?! Herb & Natural Strategies for Sneaky Sleep Saboteurs w/Maria Noel Groves: (1:20 PM) We know a good night’s sleep is imperative for overall health and vitality, yet many of us don’t sleep well. In this class, Maria will share some of the easily missed reasons why many people don’t get a good quality sleep- especially waking up in the middle of the night! -tips to sleuth them out, and natural strategies for support. These and more are covered in Maria’s newly released book ‘‘Herbal Remedies For Sleep’. Maria will sign & sell her books after the talk.
Switchels, Cordials, & Shrubs-Oh My! w/Alison Magil: (3:00 PM) Each season provides us with a bounty of flowers & fruits that can be made into delicious and nutritious extractions for our sipping pleasure. In this workshop we will sample a variety of beverages and combinations that will get you inspired to gather and infuse your own this year!
Holistic Nutrition 101 w/Paige Scudder: (9:30 AM) We use a combination of whole food nutrition, lifestyle changes, and various well-being practices to allow your body the ability to thrive. We believe that what you put in, you will get back in return, in all aspects of your life. When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, it is our goal to simply all the “talk” and make it a seamless process in order for the changes you make to stick. Join us at our booth to deepen your discussion.
Mental Health Wheel of The Year w/Jessica LaBrie: (11:10 AM) Life on this planet is all about interconnectedness, cycles, and riding the rhythms of change. In this workshop, we’ll explore the Wherl of the Year as an annual & seasonal template for understanding the natural patterns that occur within & without, so we can navigate our lives with self-compassion, wisdom, and appreciation. Come to this mini-wisdom circle with an open heart, and leave better resources for the seasons ahead with insight, plant allies, simple lifestyle tweaks, and a greater sense of community and resiliency.
Plants For Pleasure w/Melodie Fallon: (1:20 PM) What is pleasure and how can we experience it in our day to day? What realms of pleasure do we have access to? This workshop will explore how to experience more pleasure in our lives through our senses. We will go over plants that support pleasure and in which ways to use them.
Empowered Reflection w/Amanda Stanley: (3:00 PM) What if your best self already resided inside you? Spoiler alert: IT DOES! Using a series of working meditations, you’ll gain more clarity around what serves you in life, and let go of limiting to and beliefs you may be holding onto. We’ll learn about working with plant allies with flower essences, essential oils, crystals, mantra, and more. Each student will go home with a self crafted ““mirror potion”.